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Biennial flight review

This page has been provided to help you with preparation for your Biennial Flight Review.


The following links are to two emails sent to the membership regarding the introduction of the Biennial Flight Review. If this is your first BFR please read these emails, they could be helpful.

Email - 2nd August, 2020

Email - 3rd August, 2020


In addition, read

> Operations Advice Notice No. 01/20 


There are 2 steps to completing the Biennial Flight Review.


1st Step - Complete an ONLINE EXAM

The following is links to the exams:

> Command Pilot Exam

> If you are an Instructor - Instructor Exam


To assist with preparation for the online exam we recommend reviewing the ‘Question and Answer’ document published by the GFA.

> Link to GFA BFR Q&A


In addition to the above document, the GFA has provided the following advise and links to reference material to further assist you with preparing for the online exam.


Q. What subjects are included in the exam?

A. The ‘Flight Review’ exams draw on the same questions (and answers) from the ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ Certificate and the Flight Radiotelephone exams that our GPC students have been answering for the past two years. These cover basic airworthiness, basic theory, flight rules and procedures, meteorology, airspace and altimetry, and radio procedures. In addition, we’ve added some Human Factors questions, and for the instructor exam we have added some questions around Instructor Theory and Practise.


Q. How do you take the exam?

A. The online ‘Exam Menu’ can be accessed via the ‘MyGFA’ tile in ‘GoMembership’. The exams are not time limited and can be done open book or researched online. The aim of the exam is to encourage pilots to get back into the books to refresh those things they may have forgotten.


Q. Where can I find reference material?

A. There are multiple source documents in the Operations Section of the GFA Documents Library at THIS LINK, such as our Manuals and Human Factors Resources, or in the Manual of Standard Procedures document suite. There are also many online resources, including Regulatory information from CASA (e.g. CAAP 166-1, the Aeronautical Information Publications, the Civil Aviation Regulations, etc.) and Skybrary from the Flight Safety Foundation.


Q. What is the pass mark for the exam?

A. The pass mark is 80%; or 32 questions out of 40 for instructors and 28 questions out of 35 for non-instructor pilots. If a person fails the exam, they get the opportunity to sit another exam with different questions that they can take in their own time using references.


Q. What if a participant fails on the second attempt.

A. It does not matter if a person fails the exam. All exam participants will receive an email with their answers to each question, together with the correct answer. They can present this email to their instructor as evidence they took the exam, and their instructor can work with them to fill any knowledge gaps as part of their flight review.


Q. What should I do if I identify an error in the questions and answer?

A. If you identify an error, you should email Chris Thorpe and provide:

• the full question (the numbers in the exam do not correlate with the numbers in the question bank), and

• the amendment that needs to be made together with supporting references.


2nd Step - Flight Review

Please bring the email you receive after completing the Online Exam and present this to your instructor as proof completing the 1st Step.

Print out a Notification of Flight Review form and bring this with you so your instructor can fill that out.


It is recommended you review the Operational Safety Bulletins for the period since your last review.

> Link to OSB Library





Last Updated 29th December 2020

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